The story “Wedding at the Cross” written by Ngugi was a sad story about a girl named Miriamu who came from a wealthy family and fell in love with Wariuki who wasn’t so rich. Her father did not approve of this man because he felt as if this man could not support his daughter. After Miriamu and Wariuki ran off and had a family, Warriuki wanted to seek Miriamu father’s approval, so he did whatever he could to become wealthy. Sadly this made Mariuki change to be just like Miriamy father. At the altar she realized she was in love with the man he use to be and not the man he has become.
While reading this story I could completely understand Miriamu decision not to marry him. I very much felt for her because I had a similar experience. My first year of college I met this guy and we were crazy in love and everyone would compare our relationship to the notebook because we were that crazy about each other, that and we both loved the 40’s. After six months of dating him he was deployed for a year. I waited, and when he came back it was as if the man I feel in love with wasn’t there anymore; we grew apart. I stayed with him for another year hoping that the feelings I once had would come back, but I couldn’t do it anymore and he knew that I didn’t feel the same as I did before. It was very sad and depressing, but we ended on good terms and he is still one of my best friends; however, I can’t say the same for Miriamu since her situation was a little different, but I could definitely understand where she was coming from.